I am a huge believer in visualisation and I have a board on my wall where I stick pictures and goals of things I want in life. Along with these I have a picture of a girls hair I found on Tumblr and I love her length and thickness!
This keeps me going as I see my hair grow I remember to keep it up because I know what I am working towards! If you don't want to use up your walls why not make a Pinterest? Check out mine here> https://www.pinterest.com/UKCurlyGirl/curly-hair/
2) Make Wash Day Easier On Yourself - PRE POO!
The night before wash day schedule in on your calender and phone reminder to prepoo before sleeping. Gather any natural oils you have give yourself a scalp massage and section your hair in parts then twist. I do this whilst watching YouTube videos, TV or listening to music. It is actually a great way to relax! Cover with a shower cap and then a satin cap. The next morning your hair will be detangled, moisturised and protected for the wash day.
*TIP* Use a lot of Jamaican Black Castor oil! The smell will motivate you to wash it out ASAP! So no cheating your way out of the wash routine!
3) Set Yourself A Hair Schedule
Due to my lifestyle I like to set Sundays as my wash day (many others also do as this is the only day you really can dedicate to treating your hair. I then like to cowash 3-4 days after so I do this on a Wednesday. Refreshing during the week defiantly makes your hair easier to deal with on wash day AND cowashing can be a quick process. Have your morning shower wet and cowash your hair! Then I will moisturise and stick in a bun or tied back style for quickness!
*TIP* Lay your products out in advance!
4) Follow Natural Hair Bloggers & Inspiration Accounts On Instagram
Yes! This is a great way to stay motivated. When you are contemplating treating your hair have a browse through your timeline and you will see others sharing wash results, tips and products they love you then will want to kick your butt into shape.
Here are just a few to get you started!
Here are just a few to get you started!
5) Make Curlfriends!
I hope these tips will help keep you on track with your journey. If you ever need any advice please feel free to message me on,
Instagram: @UKCurlyGirlTwitter: @UKCurlyGirl
Email: ukcurlygirl@gmail.com
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